Can I Vote if I am a Felon in Georgia?

If you are finished with your felony sentence, then yes, you are able to vote in the State of Georgia. Many people incorrectly believe that once they are convicted of a felony, their voting rights are gone forever. The good news is that Georgia will allow you to regain your voting rights back! As soon as you are finished with your felony sentence, your right to vote is automatically restored even if you have a felony on your record. You may vote so long as you are not in prison for a felony sentence, nor on probation or parole for a felony sentence. Once you are done with your probation or parole sentence, your ability to vote is automatically restored. There is no separate application process.

But what if I am in jail pending my trial date?

If you are in jail awaiting your trial in a felony case, then you are eligible to vote.

What if I am currently on First Offender felony probation?

You should be able to vote given you are not serving time for a felony conviction. A first offender case is not a conviction unless the judge chooses to revoke your first offender status for a violation of terms.

General Information

To register to vote, you must be a United States citizen, be 18 years old, not be serving a sentence for a felony conviction, and have not been found mentally incompetent by a judge. For more information and to download a voter registration application, visit the Secretary of State’s website here:

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